
Carbometrix for Financial Institutions

Preserve the long-term value of your portfolio companies, achieve net zero and manage climate transition risks
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Accel PartnersAmundi Asset ManagementAntin IPCharterhouse Capital PartnersChenavariCinvenCrédit AgricoleEMZ PartnersGBLInfraVia Capital PartnersL CattertonMeridiamNatixis SARGreen InvestRoland BergerSienna Investment ManagersSwiss Life Asset ManagersVauban Infrastructure Partners

Are you a PE, a VC, a bank, a fund of funds?

How do you factor in carbon emissions in the way you manage your investment portfolio? You already have a lot on your plate as you need to make both LPs and CEOs happy.

We get your world. Carbometrix is a solution made by finance experts for finance experts and applicable at all stages of your investment cycle. You can turn your decarbonization path into a competitive advantage and be a leader in sustainable finance.

Sustainable finance : manage climate transition risk

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Get the key performance indicators of your Financed Emissions like PAI (Principal Adverse Impact) or TCFD indicators (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
Report Financed Emissions for scopes 1, 2 and 3 and comply with the highest standard like the GHG Protocol
Identify the most impactful levers and turn your decarbonization action plan into a competitive advantage
Provide accurate and comprehensive data that demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and show you are good stewards of the capital in your charge